Friday, November 29, 2013

Level 5: Tacking

Closehauled to Closehauled:    Skipper calls out 'Trimmer in the pit'. The Genoa-trimmer sitting at the aft end of the stack moves off the rail and loads the windward winch with the sheet and handle, if it has not already been done. He also moves the fairlead car forward to the 'power position'. The genoa trimmer moves to the active winch and removes the winch handle, checks with his team-mates and calls 'ready'. The helmsman can now start the tack at any time. As the turn is started, call 'helms a-lee' as a cue for the rest of the crew. Everyone continues to hike hard until the boat stands up. The Checkstay-trimmer moves off the rail to the companionway and loads the leeward checkstay and handle onto the leeward secondary winch.The Bow-man moves to front of mast, staying 'inside' the lazy genoa sheet and facing forward. When the Genoa backwinds and the bubble works its way back from the luff to the top spreader the Genoa trimmer flips the turns off the winch and releases the jib sheet. The backwind pressure on the Genoa will pull the clew straight forward, shooting it forward of the chainplates. At this point the Genoa-trimmer releases the sheet and turns around, ready to tail the new genoa-sheet.  The Bow-man tosses the clew around the mast and outside the shrouds.  The Checkstay-trimmer releases the checkstay and trims the new windward checkstay to the 'power setting' as soon as the boom crosses the boat centerline. The Checkstay-trimmer moves up onto the rail at this point. The Genoa-tailer hauls in slack from the 'new' sheet, and passes the tail of the 'new' sheet to the Genoa-trimmer.  The Genoa-tailer grinds the sheet to the 'power setting' mark, as the bow-man 'skirts' the foot of the sail inside the lifelines. The Genoa-tailer then takes control of the tail which allows the Genoa-trimmer to move up to the rail, putting the final wraps on the winch and preparing to shift from power to point mode.
Concurrent with these activities, the Main-trimmer pulls the traveler up as the boat starts to turn and then moves the traveler to the 'power setting' (lower than pointing) for the other tack, while in irons and eases mainsheet slightly as the main starts drawing.
Now that the boat is on the new tack and trimmed for 'power', it will accelerate to the target speed. As it approachs the target speed, the Genoa-tailer will ease the fairlead back to the 'point setting' and sheet in, he will also ease the checkstay to reduce the draft in the mainsail and the Main-trimmer will trim the mainsheet and bring the traveler up. These actions will shift gears to a 'point mode'.
The remaining crew remains hiked out on the windward rail until the last possible moment and scrambles across the boat under the boom and over the cabin top quickly and quietly, keeping her level.
Tacking to/from other courses:    When tacking from courses other the close hauled,  trim is adjusted as the boat heads up so that she is properly trimmed for closehauled just before going into irons. When tacking to courses other the closehauled, trim is adjusted starting from the closehauled setup as the boat bears off to the new course.  If the trim lags behind the course change, do not over trim, just go to the marks for the final course (this occurs when maneuvering in tight quarters, like at the start).

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